Episode 48 – Begging the Question on Marriage

Show Notes  Ben drives 1,400 miles to Utah, Josh’s children are forbidden from chanting, and Ben’s eldest son gets married making him officially old.  Intro (0:00-5:16)  48 degree experience  Bad at Parenting (5:16-26:39)  Games Ben is playing:  Jamaica  Alhambra  Point Salad  Disc Golf  Magic: the Gathering  Bad at Logic (26:39-32:23)  Begging the question  Trial of …

Episode 47 – Raising Children Like a Psychologist

Show Notes  Why it doesn’t matter if you drop the Maltese Falcon, how unlikely it is to win the Newegg Shuffle™, Josh’s son sleepwalks and Ben raises his children like a psychologist.   Follow-up (0:00-41:29)  Ben said the Sesame Street Private Eye was Kermit…it was Grover  Josh’s article on his computer upgrade and subsequent video  Winning the NewEgg Shuffle …

Episode 46 – Time Travel in Fiction

Show Notes  Josh rebuilds his already-excellent computer, Ben gets in some last-minute consternation before Coronavirus peters out, and the hosts examine some of their favorite examples time travel in fiction.   Intro & Follow-up (0:00-30:38)  Josh’s computer rebuild video  Video card shortage explained  Bitcoin explained  Crypto miners could soon flood eBay with cheap CPUs, motherboards and …

Episode 45 – Minority Report’s 20th Anniversary

Show Notes  Ben summarizes his time on the US Central Command (CENTCOM) staff, Josh rants about why we don’t own anything we buy anymore, and they give the full Bad at Magic™ treatment to the excellent sci-fi film noir, Minority Report (2002).  Intro (0:00-20:51)  Biden’s speech declaring withdraw of troops from Afghanistan  US Troop withdrawal …

Episode 44 – COVID-19 and Education in America

Show Notes  Ben and Josh discuss what the COVID-19 has revealed about Education in America and how we can keep the good changes as things start to return to normal. Also: Door Dash, kid missionaries, nose honkers, lock picking, and why school curriculum is like a Magic deck.   Intro & Follow-up (0:00-22:42)  2LT Caron Nazario …

Episode 43 – What’s Pete Tong with Josh’s Marriage

Show Notes  Josh is also bad at staying alive, Ben sticks it to the man in St. Pete; and Josh tells the curious story surrounding his courtship and marriage.   Intro (0:00-13:58)  Bad at numbers: Josh’s heart murmur and scorpion encounter  Magic: the Gathering (13:58-33:19)  Which Strixhaven college are you?? (think: Hogwarts sorting hat)  Play Magic on …

Episode 42 – The Answer

Show Notes  Ben takes an unexpected trip to the ER, Josh spends way too much on a new mouse, and the hosts of the Bad at Magic Podcast unravel the secrets of the universe.   Intro/Follow-up (0:00-15:05)  31 Foods You’re Eating That Contain Sawdust  PopChartLab’s Omnibus of Superpowers  Bad at Logic (15:05-24:11)  Today’s Bias: The Backfire Effect  …

Episode 41 – WandaVision

Show Notes  Ben marks several major life achievements–some joyous, some dubious. Josh geeks out on comic books in a way that would make Sheldon Cooper blush. Both highly recommend WandaVision on Disney+.  Intro (0:00-8:55)  Scrubs homage to Hitchcock’s North by Northwest  Follow-up (8:55-48:42)  The Pareto Principle  The Peter Principle  Navin R. Johnson made the phone …

Episode 40 – Dirty Jobs (part 2)

Show Notes  Josh roasts the USA for still using Fahrenheit, Ben talks about convertible design, and they both do the washing up on the rest of their dirty jobs.  Intro (0:00-40:07)  Why America still uses Fahrenheit  Convertible design by Ken Nagle  Josh and Nichole’s Ninja turtles reenactment   Mr. Iglesias on Netflix  Bad at English (40:07-47:36)  Washing …