As you may know from the podcast, I recently built a new computer. My old machine was from 2011, and I was in desperate need of an upgrade to keep up with content generation for all you fine people out there. While I could talk about building my new pc all day, I’ll spare you from that. Instead, you can check it out on YouTube and, for the REALLY techy people among you, on PCPartPicker.
What I wanted to talk about was what building the computer made me realize. As I was researching what components and parts to buy, I realized that I was well out of the loop. I knew there would be new products that I needed to research, but there were entirely new technologies that I had never heard of that I needed to get up to speed on.
To be clear, I’m not a layman when it comes to computers. I’ve built every computer I’ve owned since I was in high school. I graduated with a degree in computer science. I know what I’m about! At least, I thought I did…
This whole experience made me realize and reflect just how much my priorities have shifted since I met my lovely wife and started a family. All the time that I used to spend reading about the latest computer technology or playing the latest video games is now spent taking my daughter to dance class and answering all of my son’s totally random questions. Instead of getting to focus on the things that I find engaging and interesting, I spend my time adulting. And do you know the weirdest part about this change? I’m okay with it.
When I was a younger man, I was afraid of losing the time I took for myself. I was selfish and self-absorbed. I wanted to spend every free minute I had doing only the things that I wanted to do. I knew that once I got married and had kids that it would change. I looked at the time that I had and I knew that it would go away. I would have to re-balance my life, and the only slack I had was my time.
Looking at the math, it made no sense to me. Why would anyone trade their time, their hobbies, even their passions to be a parent? What I didn’t realize then was that I didn’t know all the variables. I didn’t realize the ridiculous value that my family would bring into my life. It didn’t happen overnight, and it takes moments like this to make me realize how far I’ve come.
Looking back, I was afraid for nothing. I didn’t lose who I am because I’m a parent, my priorities just shifted. Instead of keeping up on the latest technologies, I think of stupid jokes to tell my kids. Instead of keeping up on the latest technologies, I take my family out to do fun stuff. Instead of losing myself in a video game, I watch bad TV with my wife. I still want to do my things, but they aren’t as high a priority as they used to be, and that’s okay.
All you single folks out there… don’t be afraid. You’ll find your own balance. It may be hard, but you’ll do it willingly, and probably without realizing it.
NOTE: Its important to point out that I am not, nor do I claim to be the perfect husband or father. I still take time to do things just for me, and this new computer is a perfect example of that. The thing is, I’m still trying. I want to be better, and if I stick to it then maybe some day I’ll be the person my kids think I am.
Loved reading of your acceptance and joy in the shifting of your time and energies. Good metamorphosis!